Friday, March 11, 2011

Pin Cushion

The other day my neighbour Paul had dropped off some very old and tiny bottles for me, I seem to be starting this small collection of bottles. I get quite fascinated by the colours and shapes that the older bottles seem to be made of. Anyway, this time the bottles came in a very old rust bowl, so last night I scrubbed and polished the bowl to reveal a beautiful pink coppery colour. After much thought I decided that I could make a pin cushion out of this, so today this is what I did. I must say that I am very pleased with the out come. My only disappointment is that I didn't have a before photo!


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Very clever - very lovely!

Roseanne said...

I just love your bottle pin Cushion they are very nice

Maria del Valle Abad de Pinto said...

Hola Tracee, esta hermoso tu alfiletero, te sigo y te dejo muchos cariños..