Today will be a beautiful 29c, & I can certainly say that it is very windy at our place.
I new that the calmness of yesterday was to good to be true.

Today I will be off on a two and a half hour drive with mum up to Pyramid Hill to visit my brother Shannon & my gorgeous Nieces and Nephew.
Yes that will be at least 5 hours in the car.
It is little Aimees Birthday and we will be having a lovely family lunch.
Pyramid Hill is a tiny little town named after the Pyramid shaped granite hill that you can see in the pic.
It has a population of approx 500
Major Sir Thomas Mitchell discovered and named this area on June 30th 1886 During his journey into "Australia Felix"
From the top of the Hill which is 187m above sea level , there is a wonderful view of the township and surrounding irrigated farmlands.
Have a safe trip.
Beautiful country Tracee. Enjoy the family lunch and happy birthday Aimee!
Hope you had an awesome time xx
Happy birthday to Aimee!
It´s awesome to get to know the world from my own kitchen table. :)
Thanks for visiting and commenting today at Kat´s site. :) Enjoy the rest of Blogtoberfest!
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